Kamis, 12 April 2018

FORTY SEVEN BANK - Forty Seven Bank is a future project built to create a modern universal bank, both for cryptocurrency users and adherents of the traditional monetary system


Forty Seven Bank is a future project built to create a modern universal bank, both for cryptocurrency users and adherents of the traditional monetary system.
Banks will be recognized by international financial organizations, banks that will comply with all regulatory requirements.

The team of banking, finance, and IT professionals with the expertise and experience in creating and licensing payment systems, and the development of electronic financial institutions will work to realize the goals of the project in the future.

Our bank will be the largest structure that complies with all regulatory requirements and EU Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2). We will comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) policies.


Forty Seven Bank is defined in API, Blockchain, bio-metrics, smart contract management, machine learning, adaptive security plus cloud computing.

Users forty seven enjoy the benefits of loyalty every year and also enjoy the flexible nature
from conducting credible transactions with the establishment of forty-seven banks through a world block node and connecting real time monetary platforms.

The forty seven platform is developed based on strict safety, relevance and comfort principles for all users.

Forty seven users can enjoy further structural functionality of regulator payment orders by knowing your customer policy.

Overall, forty seven has built synergies and electrical connectivity with a strong architecture to join forty-seven financial companies.

become a financial promise for users, business investors and other companies.

Mission, Vision, and Value

Forty Seven Bank's mission and management team is to provide a safe.

Image result for misi forty seven bank

Forty Seven Bank is a bridge capable of connecting the two financial worlds and building efficient communication among them, communication that will open the possibility to improve the modern financial system.

Forty Seven Bank's mission and management team is to provide secure, innovative and user-friendly financial services and products to our customers - individuals, businesses, developers, merchants, financial institutions and governments.

Transparency; Financial stability; Effectiveness and firendly procedure of user; Security and privacy (data protection); innovation; Customer satisfaction; Growing market share and worldwide expansion; Fortunately for all stakeholders.


Image result for TOKEN forty seven bank

Token forty seven gives you the right to take priority places in the Forty Seven loyalty program. FSBT token holders are eligible to receive additional token bonus tokens (FSBL), depending on the number of tokens and bank financial results for the previous year. Also, the FSBT token has a practical application in the Forty Seven bank ecosystem itself.

20% of the bank's net profit over the past year will be allocated to loyalty programs. The required number of FSBL tokens will be generated and upon request through a smart contract, the token holder will be able to obtain the number of FSBL tokens included in the item, which can be exchanged for goods and services on the forty seven platform.

With this FBST user token can be used to rapidly assess the services and transactions of their products in a single paradigm. On the way to take advantage of some of FBST's token prospects are the most important building blocks by Forty Seven Bank.

The FBST Token is an influential economic material of tokens in the Forty Seven Bank ecological unit that is entitled to use various desires for their products and services.

The FSBT Token will be available for transactions in various crypto currency exchanges after the completion of the people's funding campaign.

Forty-Seven Bank products and services were acquired by Etis Dais users.

The price of one token = 0.0047 ETH.

Initial sales of the FSBT token start on October 30, 2017 (15:00, GMT + 0, London time) and ends on November 6, 2017 (23:59, GMT + 0, London time). During pre-ICO, crypto currencies like ETH will be accepted.

-ICO will be held from 13 November to 13 December 2017. Crypto currency received during ICO: ETH, BTC.

During pre-ICO and ICO, the company provided the following bonus system:

Pre-ICO: Bonus 30%;
1-3 days ICO: 15% bonus;
ICO 4-7 days: 10% bonus;
8-14 days ICO: 5% bonus;

15-28 days ICO: 0% bonus, but when buying a number of tokens, the following bonus size will be done:
501-250 tokens: 2% bonus;
2501-5.000 tokens: 5% bonus;
5,001-25,000 tokens: 10% bonus;
25,000 tokens: 15% bonus.
The minimum budget for starting the project is 5,000,000 EUR (18,000 ETH).

ICO Round 1: 30% bonus;

ICO Round 2: 20% bonus;

https://www.fortyseven.io/ICO Round 3: 0% bonus but bonus for quantity;


In our opinion, ICO is currently the best and fastest way to attract funding for exciting projects, especially for those who are community driven with the aim of developing critical infrastructure elements associated with cryptocurrency. We believe that ICO can improve innovation, because withdrawing funds through corporate ICO procedures does not have to go through traditional bureaucratic procedures. In addition, because ICO is done through smart and chain-block contracts, all are transparent and project authors assume full responsibility for realizing the idea successfully.

ICO also provides opportunities for people from different countries to donate their digital assets to projects and teams located in other countries. In the traditional economy there are many restrictions and restrictions for individuals to participate in such activities and there is no possibility for people to contribute relatively low amounts of funds into projects with promising non-financial benefits.

Forty Seven Bank only provides non-financial benefits to future contributors and FSBT token holders. However, over time, we believe that thanks to these benefits, the value of tokens can increase and the original contributor will have the possibility to sell them, if they are willing to do so.

ICO service

Forty Seven Banks will provide services for companies seeking to attract financing through ICO. This service will include legal support, escrow settings, support in transferring digital currency to the fiat equivalent. We will also develop assessment procedures for ICO projects and will provide a thorough analysis of interesting projects.



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